Offshore Infrastructure Associates, Inc.

Offshore Infrastructure Associates, Inc. (OIA) was founded in 2006 to promote development and commercial implementation of renewable energy and resources, principally those related to the marine environment and deep ocean water (DOW).  Presently the company maintains offices in San Juan, Puerto Rico and Scotch Plains, New Jersey. 

OIA's efforts are principally oriented towards  the commercial implementation of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC), a technology that is not dependent on fossil fuels, is not vulnerable to world energy market fluctuations and is environmentally benign. Mr.  Thomas J. Plocek, Founder of OIA,  has been aware of OTEC's and DOW's  potential since the early 1970's, when  he developed a chemical manufacturing facility in Patillas, Puerto Rico, very close to one of the world's prime locations for OTEC and DOW implementation.

OTEC uses the heat energy stored in the Earth's oceans to generate electricity and, if desired, potable water, on a baseload basis. It will work in areas where the temperature difference between the warmer, top layer of the ocean and the colder, deep ocean water is about 20°C (36°F), in an environment that is stable enough for efficient system operation. 

In these days of energy crises and global warming, OTEC allows production of electricity by recovering some of the solar energy received by the oceans. This electricity is produced from purely local sources at a fixed cost. The energy so obtained can be used to safeguard utilities from upheavals caused by changing energy prices or disruptions in world markets. Further, such energy independence is achieved with minimal  emissions and greenhouse gas generation as compared to fossil fuels, and without any of the potential risks and public controversy associated with nuclear energy.

OIA aims at spreading the general knowledge about OTEC on a worldwide basis. As such, the company has an ongoing public information campaign and provides presentations to stakeholders and the general public, as well as professional and technical organizations, in Puerto Rico, the mainland United States, and throughout the world.

OIA is presently proposing the construction of a commercial-scale OTEC powerplant in Puerto Rico, and is also pursuing opportunities at other locations.

Click here to see  animated presentations and other graphic material illustrating the concept of OTEC and its potential.

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(c) 2012 Offshore Infrastructure Associates, Inc.