Recent Presentations and Public Information Activities


OIA is involved in an ongoing public information and presentations campaign, covering Puerto Rico, the Mainland United States and international locations.  Recent highlights are presented below:


Left: Presentation by J. Martí at Low Carbon Earth Summit. Right: Martí with Dr. Robert Cohen, OTEC Pioneer. Both in Dalian, China, 2011


On March 2008, OIA  provided a presentation to a worldwide audience at  the Washington International Renewable Energy Conference (WIREC). Click on this link to see more.  

On August 2008, OIA provided a  Keynote Presentation on OTEC  at the convention of the College of Professional Engineers and Surveyors of Puerto Rico (CIAPR). Click here to see more.

Previous Presentations


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More Information and Copies of Presentations

Presentación Especial en Yabucoa (in Spanish)

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